Jaunums- uzacu matiņu tehnika
Šo pm grima veidu sauc par "matiņu tehniku", jo tiek zīmēti uzacs matiņi nevis forma vienkārši tiek aizpildīta. Matiņus zīmē ar smalku adatu, sekojot to augšanas virzienam. Tie jārada tā, lai pie pamatnes būtu biezāki, bet gali smalki un smaili. To iesaka lietot, ja klientes uzacis jau ir izteiktas, lai pievienotie matiņi sajauktos ar dabīgajiem un padarītu uzacis biezākas un dabiskas.

Uzacu, lūpu un acu zonas optimizācija pirms permanentā grima procedūras!
Cien. klientes! Piedāvāju jaunu procedūru, kas palīdz optimizēt (sagatavot) uzacis, lūpas un acu zonu pirms atkārtotas permanentā grima veikšanas. Šī procedūra vēlama 1 - 2 nedēļas pirms PM veikšanas.
- Rezultātā attiecīgajā zonā uzlabojas ādas vispārējais stāvoklis, paaugstinās ādas elasticitāte, uzlabojas vielmaiņa un mikrocirkulācija, fibrozie audi kļūst „mīkstāki”. Pigments, kas atrodas zemādā no iepriekš veiktām procedūrām, var tikt izvadīts par 5-10 %.
- Nākamās permanenta procedūras laikā pigments „klājas” vieglāk un ir sagaidāms salīdzinoši labāks rezultāts.
Procedūra balstās uz elektroforēzi sejai un ir pilnīgi droša, bez blaknēm.
Jaunu permanentā grima procedūru var veikt jau pēc 1 nedēļas!
Ādas optimizācija aizņem līdz 20 minūtēm!
Tiekat laipni aicinātas!
Pieraksts telefoniski T. 26407142
A.C. Jūsu permanentā grima meistare Laima Čakstiņa

Always be beautiful!
With permanent makeup and the right master, your eyebrows, eyes and lips can always look beautiful.
Only a professional and high-quality permanent!
This October I will be attending the
International Permanent Grim festival in Munich
High quality permanent make up is offered!
Especially expected are the clients who want some of my eye-technique PERFORMANCES!😉
Attention all permanent makeup masters!
International level Permanent make up artist Laima Cakstina offers individual masterclass training in Jurmala, Latvia.
- Eyebrows - Airy Powder (Author's work)
- Eyes - Light Shading
- Lips - Tempera Lips (Author's work)
I am pleased to announce, that I have obtained my own official trade mark for perfomance of lips technique with the term Tempera Lips! (Number M71715) I have developed and improved this permanent make up technique in my own perfomance. I remind, that nobody else has the right to use this term Tempera Lips! B.R. Laima Čakstiņa
I am pleased to announce, that I have obtained my own official trade mark for perfomance of eyebrow technique with the term Airy Powder! I have developed and improved this permanent make up technique in my own perfomance. I remind, that nobody else has the right to use this term Airy Powder! B.R. Laima Čakstiņa
I offer camouflage of the dark circles in the zone under the eyes! I have offered this service many years ago. At present I make this procedure with different equipment and pigments. To reach a visible result we usually need 3 procedures. You are welcome!
Dear clients! After having a laser removal or micropigmentation procedure you will receive a gift - aestetic and useful year 2017 calender!
Participation in Expo Beauty 2015!
Three creative and interesting days were spent in a beauty exhibition in Riga Skonto hall (from 27th to 29th of March). Within the exhibition I met other representatives of the industry. I was giving a wide range of advice for all interested visitors (prospective micropigmentation clients and those requiring a laser correction after low quality permanent make-up procedures). During these three days I was presenting a new type of permanent make-up method: eyebrow microblading. There are several before and after microblading procedure eyebrow photos in the webpage (already healed).
Microblading is a completely new, esthetic method (its origins lie several thousand years in the past, when the creation of tattoos was performed with sharp objects that could be found in natural surroundings). The technique is based on a manual pen and an embedded sterile disposable blade. Using such pen and dyes, permanent make-up in several different techniques can be performed, including eyebrows in hair-technique. In this case every single hair looks exquisitely natural and fine. Microblading is advised when the natural shape of the brow is narrow, partially nonexistent, or the hairs making up the eyebrows are very fine and rare. Microblading can be combined with apparatus-technique and every case is considered individually. Dear clients, you are welcome to have the new procedure!
A new salon Office!
In july 10th I am opening my salon in the center of city Jurmala - Bulduri, LV Pauls Stradins Medicine College, a renovated building, ground floor, office nr 118. Entrance in the building is from Meža avenue. A convenient car parking (free of charge) is on Meža avenue. Approximately 10 minutes ride from shopping center Spice. Approximately 20 minutes by passenger train Riga - Bulduri. The building is 250 meters from the train station (see section: contacts, map). The possibility to perform procedures in Riga, 10 k2 Ozolciema street is also maintained!
Laser correction!
Removal of pigment with the help of laser is the most modern method to get rid of non aesthetic and poor quality permanent mekeup and tattoo. With the help of laser impulse ‘’shot” the pigment is crushed under the skin and is gradually eliminated out of the body during 1,5 months. Depending on the pigment density in derma (under the skin) there are nesesarry several of such procedures. Lasers of Nd: YAG-Q Swithed Laser 6TH (neodime laser) does not leave scar tissue.
New skills from a training course!
In 03/17/2014 a specialist and instructor of international rank in permanent make-up, Julia Rozgon from Ukraine, held lectures in Latvia.
During the course I managed two new styles of permanent make-up: "Juicy Style" ("Effect Marilyn Monroe") lip technique, and "Volume Effect" eyebrow technique.
Dear clients, you are welcome to receive these new procedures
A new offer for our clients!
An excellent balm for the protection of the permanent make-up from the harmful rays of sunlight. It is recommended to apply this French organic cosmetic line "ANNECY" product while sunbathing and tanning in sun booths. The balm will prolong the life of the newly acquired permanent make-up result in its initial appearance
New booklet!